About Me

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Joy Serves G*d in Joy as a passionate performing percussionist, poet, publisher, photographer, publicist, sound healer, spiritual guide, artist, gardener and Gemini. "Ivdu Et Hashem B'Simcha" -Psalm 100:2 ....... Joy Krauthammer, active in the Jewish Renewal, Feminist, and neo-Chasidic worlds for over three decades, kabbalistically leads Jewish women's life-cycle rituals. ... Workshops, and Bands are available for all Shuls, Sisterhoods, Rosh Chodeshes, Retreats, Concerts, Conferences & Festivals. ... My kavanah/intention is that my creative expressive gifts are inspirational, uplifting and joyous. In gratitude, I love doing mitzvot/good deeds, and connecting people in joy. In the zechut/merit of Reb Shlomo Carlebach, zt'l, I mamash love to help make our universe a smaller world, one REVEALING more spiritual consciousness, connection, compassion, and chesed/lovingkindness; to make visible the Face of the Divine... VIEW MY COMPLETE PROFILE and enjoy all offerings.... For BOOKINGS write: joyofwisdom1 at gmail.com, leave a COMMENT below, or call me. ... "Don't Postpone Joy" bear photo montage by Joy. Click to enlarge. BlesSings, Joy


Joyous Purim wisdom, double Adar 5751

                  As a temple musician– a passionate performing percussionist and sound healer, I share with you that the Purim grogger, festive ritual noise maker (used to drown out Haman's name in Megillat Esther reading), is similar to a GEMSBOK SHOFAR. A Purim rattle is twirled and spins round the handle, and causes a thin flat piece of wood to flick over (‘to and fro’) a NOTCHED cog wheel set in a frame, making a noise. By cutting off, separating several inches of the slightly curved, black, smooth pointy tip of the long Gemsbok's horn, to create an opening for the Shofar mouthpiece, it is revealed that this horn tip can be used as an 'offering–' as a percussion scraper on the set of natural raised ridges of rings encircling the brown wide end of the raw, rough, splintery Gemsbok horn. 
                  When rubbed in ‘to and fro’ motion with a PUA *, on the thick transverse rings, rasping percussive sounds are created and ‘heard’ on the horn, as on the grogger. Could it be that the Shofar was a signaling instrument in alerting the Persian Jews that they could be saved from the king's edict in Shushan during the reign of Queen Esther, thus making the horn also a culturally authentic grogger? Hearing the Megillah and Shofar are both mitzvot.
                  Ethnic scraper percussion rhythmic instruments are spiritually used in most world cultures for sacred moments. (Scrapers and Shofars are in LA’s Howard Ethnic Instrument Collection, Watts Tower Arts Center.) Performing world-beat percussion, I use a frog shaped wood guiro (Vietnamese or Thai), and also a Gemsbok-like guiro (Latin American) made from hollow gourd, aka calabazo, with parallel carved out grooves, along with a fragrant sage branch stick PUA, a scraper/wand, to make long and short raspy, ratchet (and croaking) sounds. 
                  Biblical Miriyahm HaNeviah, the Prophetess, a percussionist, Exodus 15:20, was also known as "Puah"*, Genesis, Shemot 1:15, a mid-wife, who sang soft cooing sounds as she gently rocked ‘to and fro’ and stroked with her voice and hand-- like a wand, the baby boys she saved from Pharaoh's edict against the Jews. Gemara Sotah 11a. As Puah with (po'ah) she drowned out the sounds of the murder edict.
                  My friend, and ritual teaching partner, ARIELLASHIRA LEWIS created (with Michael Chusid's guidance) her GEMSBOK shofar for rituals, by carving the opening, the hollow 'inside' mouth piece. She is a healer, and a Ba’alat Tekiah/ shofar blower for Simchat Chochmah ceremonies and for women's Rosh Chodesh/ New Moon rituals, as is traditional. With her soulful Ruach/breath and holy kavanah/intention, AriellaShira beautifully and with awesome rich sustained sound, plays her new Shofar. AriellaShira created this personal ceremonial tool during her Simchat Chochmah/Joy of Wisdom ceremony, and shamanic journey. I think her shofar is from a female Gemsbok.
                  AriellaShira joyously demonstrated to me, as she stroked her new Gemsbok horn's wide end and long length of ridges of rings with her PUA/wand--horn tip, that she transformed her Shofar to be used in holy ritual and ceremony, also into a scraper PERCUSSION instrument. AriellaShira fashioned the horn’s cut tip into her wand for her musical playing pleasure. (See photo collage of AriellaShira playing her Gemsbok Shofar as a wind and percussion instrument. 
      http://hearingshofar.blogspot.com/ 2011-02-21)

      AriellaShira Lewis, from South Africa where the Gemsbok roam, informed me that Gemsbok is pronounced with a gutteral 'ch', ‘Ch’emsbok’. The sacrificial ram, the 'offering' in Torah's Genesis 22:13 Akeidah, may have been crying out for us to hear, "Use me, don't abuse me. I shall make music for you."
      BlesSings for magical healing sounds, health, wholeness, shalom and joy,
                  JOY Krauthammer
                  Serve G*d With Joy
                  Enjoy http://joyous-chai-lights-march-2011.blogspot.com/ Reply

Joy Krauthammer, MBA11 March, 2011  Before I realized that I, too, can create a Shofar and GEMSBOK horn grogger to use in my spiritual music, I purchased my foot-long Purim grogger in Jerusalem where I also purchased my Shofar. Now I joyously look forward to having the "Hearing Shofar" maven, Michael, guide me in creating my own percussive Shofar.
                  What excites is that I can create a PUA/wand from a Gemsbok horn, and play the Shofar as percussion. This will enhance and amplify my spiritual playing. See my earlier COMMENT on AriellaShira Lewis regarding this transformational experience.
                  I love that the PUA is also a name, PUAH, for Miriyahm HaNeviah. Genesis 1:15. This connection is meaningful to me– joining woman's voice in Torah to percussion.
                  I include PUAH teachings shared from one of my rebbes, Rav Rahmiel Hayyim Drizin:
               " 'Puah' This was Miriam (called Puah) because she cried and talked and cooed to the newborn infant in the manner of women who soothe a crying infant. Puah is an expression of crying out, similar to “Like a travailing woman will I cry " (Isa. 42:14). Rashi on Sotah 11a explains that she played with the infant to soothe and amuse him. Rashi to Shemot 1:15, citing Gemara Sotah 11a
                " ‘Pu'ah’ is Miriam; and why was her name called Puah? Because she cried out (po'ah) to the child and brought it forth. Another explanation of Pu'ah is that she used to cry out through the Holy Spirit and say: ‘My mother will bear a son who will be the savior of Israel’. Sotah 11a  "
 ~ ~ ~
                  During the High Holidays, 1995, Makom Ohr Shalom held services at UCLA. Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (Aleph and Jewish Renewal movement founder) officiated along with Cantor Monty Turner. (I am one of their musicians.) Reb Zalman knew that I was trained by my husband, Marcel Krauthammer, z"l, in blowing Shofar. I felt good that I could play all the ritual notes. Prior to Rosh Hashanah, Michael Chusid, Ba'al Tekiah demonstrated to me another technique for blowing shofar that I continue to share when teaching others to play. 
                  Reb Zalman, during the Days of Awe service, called upon me to come to the bima and play my Shofar and "to represent the women of the world". He was aware that a major international conference on women had just finished in Beijing, China. He wanted that powerful feminine energy to come through the voice of the ram. With great Kavanah/intention, I sounded the Shofar for the congregation.
                  As a Mitzvah, and in my husband's Zechut/merit, I continue to play Shofar, even over the telephone, especially for those Jewish friends who miss my husband playing Shofar for them. May his soul continue to have an Ilui Neshamah/soul elevation.
                  Have a joyous Adar and
                  BlesSings for hearing Shofar, rhythm, having gratitude, health, Shalom and joy, 
                  JOY Krauthammer
                  Serve G*d With Joy
With the voice of the SHOFAR, may your prayers ascend with the power of truth, and be accepted by Ribono Shel Olam.  
What does the sound of the Shofar mean in truth to you?
Am I focused to be the best I can be, use the gifts G*d gave me, as I am focused on blowing the Shofar and connecting with G*d?
Do you cry out to The Compassionate One from the depths of your soul, the way we hear the Shofar cry? - Joy Krauthammer



Shofar Sound Illumination
SHOFAR (to blast open the Heavens) mouthpiece is designed narrow – like The Holy Temple windows – narrow within and wide to the outside, for the light of Torah wisdom needs to be spread far and wide to the often darkened world.
The intimate connection makes me feel good that I have with light of Shofar, from narrow opening end to wide end that for me compares to Holy Temple windows also opening wider outward sending forth the Light. 

 A sounding Selfie © Joy Krauthammer  9.2015  Elul 5775

Joy Krauthammer blows shofar for the women.


Published Blog

Joy Krauthammer revised her initial post, above. I have retained both drafts because they each offer different insights that deserve to be shared. MC



~ JOY Krauthammer


SOUNDS of the SHOFAR (SOS) with a blast inspire me to open to the beginning of Elul on day one, Rosh Chodesh/ new moon, for self-reflection/ Cheshbon Hanefesh/ accounting of the soul, knowing I can meet our Beloved in the field. A serious Elul soul journey lies ahead, and I am inspired to meditate on SOS.


SOS inspire me for Rosh HaShanah/ the New Year to once again seasonally awaken to my Jewish tradition and heritage, and connect to my faith and beliefs, knowing SOS in the same sequence of blasts are heard universally around the world.
SOS help me to stimulate others when I play Shofar. Friends receiving SOS are a gift to me, and I am further inspired with Chesed/ loving kindness to give more and joyously do more Mitzvot/ good deeds.
SOS, as I practice playing, inspire me to study Torah and understand more fully.


SOS inspire me to Shma/ listen silently to the notes, and more deeply, in awe, and with strong Kavannah/ intention to be a better Ba'alat Tekiah/ master of the notes (as my husband, z'l, taught me when we bought our first shofar together in the Old City).
Sounds of the Shofar inspire me to breathe deeply, expansively ­–breathe G*d in and out.
SOS inspire me to use tools, instruments of music of my own faith, and to Mamash delve deeper and higher into my Judaism.
SOS inspire me to share with pride and joy in interfaith gatherings with my own authentic ancient Jewish instrument of sound­– Shofar, in addition to spiritually playing Tof /drum and Timbrel ala Miriyahm HaNeviah in temples for Farbrengans and Malavah malkahs. SOS inspire me to carve my own personal Shofar.


The Shofar inspires me through grateful Ruach/ breath to connect L'Dor V'Dor/ generation to generation with my children and their chilren; to the Holy One, Mount Moriah, Mount Sinai, and to our People, all the way back to the ram caught in the thicket by its horns (Genesis 22:13); and to our Matriarch, Sarah, who died because of the Akeda/ the Binding. When I save by rescuing little goats with their horned heads stuck in fences, and I give them freedom--I am inspired.  
Baruch Hashem.
~ ~ ~

Shofar selfie by Joy Krauthammer ©


 EXCERPT from http://joys-prose.blogspot.com/2006/09/secret-of-intention-my-drumming.html

- Joy Krauthammer

I was studying outer spiritual life, and receiving inner spiritual life and Holy direction.  Away at a spiritual retreat, Renewal's P’nei Or later aka Kallah in Berkeley, I received spiritual guidance from (now Rabbi) Hanna Tiferet Siegel.  

During her workshop and at her direction after chanting "Modah Ani", on a piece of plain white 8"x10" paper, I drew, tracing next to each other, my right hand and my left hand. I filled in the palms, as directed, with my desires to manifest. This was "The Secret." Put my thought energy into what I want to manifest and ask for it.  I asked The Source of All BlesSings to Shma, hear me.

Right hand-- what I want to receive.  Left hand-- what I want to give to the universe

For wanting to receive, I drew an African djembe drum. For wanting to give, I wrote music signs and the words, "spiritual music". At that moment of finishing my experiential sketch, a stranger whom I had never before seen, "Miriam Minkoff from Buffalo" (and at that moment I was in Berkeley from LA), walked through the outdoor courtyard and up to me, as I, with hands art work in hand, was leaving the workshop door's threshold. Miriam handed to me her huge African djembe drum which was in her arms, and only said, "Play it, and return it when through." She walked away and disappeared into the crowd. (There are more miraculous post scripts to this story.)

This is all Hashgachah Pratit / Divine guidance. In the middle of the courtyard of the Theological Seminary was Shoshanna Shoshanna. Walking directly to her, as she sat on a circular wall, I asked her to show me what to do with this large natural skin, wooden djembe drum, which fit very well in my arms' embrace. I recognized Shoshanna from Jerusalem as being Reb Shlomo Carlebach's, zt'l, concert drummer. I had seen Shoshanna in concert different times in Jerusalem, and then met her at the Jerusalem home of the Witts, not realizing that she was the musician whom I had watched on stage. The host sat me down next to Shoshanna.  How fortuitous. How synchronistic. How perfect. 

Now Shoshannah was sitting right there in the center of the Theological Seminary courtyard in Berkeley. In Jerusalem, we had walked back to her home near the famous outdoor market, Machane Yehuda, and danced to her professionally recorded piano music. Shoshanna, the pianist and percussionist had never before danced to her own music. I watched the dance shadows on the white painted old walls. (Years later, an LA friend purchased and played for me in her car, the same music piano tape of Shoshanna's having no idea that I knew Shoshanna.)

~ ~ ~



Percussion Is My Passion

  - Joy Krauthammer   
April 2011

At the end of Shabbat services, where I serve spiritual communities as world-beat hand percussionist, people ask me questions: How long have I been drumming? What kind of drum is the big one? Did I go to music school? How did I become a drummer? How do I do it? The last is my favorite.

I love these telling questions because I love it that people are interested, and appreciate my music with its subtleties and expansiveness. I love to share my story, one of visions, Hashgachah Pratit / Divine Providence, and of a joyous, passionate Jewish woman drummer.

I share with people that I play with joy for them--because I receive their joyous soulful energy that circulates; I feel that and it excites me. Accompanying cantors, singers, dancers and rabbis brings out the rhythmic best in my music. More of that truth is that I connect with the Source of All BlesSings, and to Miriyahm HaNeviah, biblical timbrel player. I have gratitude, and become a vessel for Hashem’s music. I am ‘played’ by the Holy One. I am inspired to “Serve G*d in Joy”. (Psalm 100:2)  My kavanah / intention is knowing that my ‘Sounds of Joy’-- the gift that G*d gave to me, can assist neshamahs / souls to lift their tehilim / prayers to the Divine One; as a dance going up, and for a shefa / abunDance of conscious connection with healing and wholeness, to come down through the Kabbalistic Four Worlds of Spirit, Mind, Heart and Body.

To be ethereal was my yearning when I asked the Creator to give me a drum—naively thinking that music would not take the great physical space that my own ceramics work had occupied. (That's an oxymoron for a percussionist. I'm learning to be ethereal.)

Many vessels of sound I play were designed (some customized to my desire) by my renowned international teachers (Paolo Mattioli, obm), were purchased during world travels, or were inherited from my mother, z"l (especially gongs and bells). My instruments that I lovingly play, stroke and caress (not 'beat' or 'bang') with my hands or mallets include large wood and natural skin African djembe, Middle-Eastern dumbeks (metal, vegetarian synthetic, or ceramic), frame drums, and (Remo) timbrels (aka riqs) with heavy metal brass (or other alloys) jingles, seed jingles, cymbals, ting shas (small hand cymbals), chimes (72 double row, and energy chimes), triangle, and such ‘small’ hand-made, ethnic traditional percussion as bells, rattles (chajchas, kpoko-kpoko, seeds, Buffalo rawhide), shakers (natural woven caxixi, gourd gita, maracas, shekeres, and axatse), scrapers (guiros), clave, and mu yu (slit drum). Additional ethnic percussion from many nations I have learned include: tambourine, tar, tamborim, bohdran, djun-djun, ashiko, talking drum, klong yaw, cuica, timbau, surdo repinique, agogo, bongo, congas, cowbell, tubano, pandeiro, kanjira, sakara, fruit and vegetable shakers (of plastic, wood or metal), as well as sound shapes.

For meditative and healing moments, I play organic rain sticks, ocean drums, gongs, Asian bells, and crystal and Tibetan singing bowls tuned to lev / heart chakra.

For the last decade, I mamash / truly have loved playing percussion for Lev Eisha / Heart of Woman women and men at our gevaldt / awesome Shabbat services where Shechinah dwells. I have been drumming since 1986, through both challenges and simchas.  The secret? This eisha / woman plays with her lev.

BlesSings for Sounds of Joy,
Joy Krauthammer

This story is published in Lev Eisha site:
For a more fully illustrated magical musical story with my responses, please read:

TingShas, Crystal Energy

Dear Lev Bima Ladies, 

Don’t know if you know what sound I use when Cindy begins the Amidah and we are all facing the Torah. Congregants would not see what I use. Along with Singing Bowls, I had purchased TingShas in Tibet. 
You can see them in my photos:  http://healingsoundsofjoy.blogspot.com

I learned from dear beloved Rabbi Hana Tiferet Siegel in 1993 to use TingShas with the Amidah. She transformed my life with her exercises. I listened. And we chant her Amidah during services.
I’ve also studied sacred sounds with Tibetan Buddhist monks. 

Inspiring (mentoring) others today about crystal stone pendulum usage, I renewed my wisdom on TingShas and share with you because I use them while with you in creating sacred space. 

The sound that emanates from the Tibetan TingShas (hand cymbals) is powerful to assist you to relax, and will also clear any disharmony from any stones you may choose to use in meditation.

TingShas resonate with a high vibration, and will clear any negative energy in the room, and will cleanse any crystals in the vicinity, as well as activate the energy of crystals nearby.

In the late 1980’s I studied Crystal Energy Healing with Master Ho. I reflected on this at our last retreat during Shabbat service. I think Rabbi Toba’s topic was  'self-doubt'. At that 1980’s time I had little confidence in my healing ability, although I did witness the awesome healing happening with responsive crystals in my own hand. The crystals vibrated in my hand as I located meridians on a class partner.  (I went on to study energy healing with various ‘masters’.) Today and for the last couple decades, I serve as sound healer with crystal and with old Tibetan Singing Bowls. I step out of the way, and I’m only a vessel for G*d’s Hand. I play drums the same way; I am played. While on the bima, it privately amuses me to witness how I am being differently played at any particular moment. 
Baruch Hashem.  Shhh. 

I like carefully using the TingShas and I love tenderly playing my Crystal singing bowl to lift the vibration of where I am.  They resonate a powerful energy into the surroundings. Sounds of Joy - Sound Bath recipients privately share with me that the symphony of sound is good for them. That pleases me and encourages me. 

At High Holy Days with Kavanah I play my singing bowls for synagogues. You know I use my Crystal Singing Bowl and wand as a special treat during our Lev Eisha retreats. Mine resonates to the heart chakra, corresponding to the Sephirah Tiferet, in tune of F. I purchased the (most costly) chakra bowl for that reason. HEART / LEV.  My crystal singing bowl rests on an exotic cushion, protected in a pretty, purple soft velvet bag. 

The Crystal singing bowl is powerful and can also be used to cleanse crystals, such as my pendulum (which I’ve never shared at Lev Eisha). Sounds emitted by the singing bowl resonate throughout the room activating any stones in the area, so during retreats, feel free to bring your crystal stones. The strong vibration of the pure crystalline sound of my crystal singing bowl fills the crystals, and will drive out any negative energy.  The sound lifts the vibration of any crystals close by, and the room is also filled with good vibrations. 

Each year at this time, before the New Year, I spontaneously write and share a personal percussion essay, and send it to our newsletter Editor. I don’t think they’ve ever been published. But it is important I share with you, because we LEV sisters share the Bima's sacred space. 

BlesSings, Joy

The tiny folder insert inside of 1.5" X 2" inch purple velvet bag for Joy's crystal pendulum.

Joy Krauthammer plays Singing Bowls
Yoga studio opening day for Daniel Pearl World Music Days

Joy Krauthammer plays Singing Bowls
Midsummer Night's Festival

Joy Krauthammer plays Singing Bowls
UCLA Healing Arts at REMO
